
Why didn't I think of this?

Meraki, a company focused on bringing affordable internet access to everyone has finally come up with an ingenious idea.  Solar-Powered WiFi.  What is better than Free internet and taking advantage of our environment?

The new Main Street WiFi kit makes it easy for cities and towns to offer internet access up to one square mile for less than $10,000.  This very affordable compared to the rates of bigger companies, such as Motorola, which can cost up to $100,000 per square mile.  

For more information about Meraki WiFi, visit Meraki's website.  Check out the case studies, as they seem very promising.


Banners starting at just $25.

Banners start at $25.  If you would like to add more visual personality to your blog, please email me.

Also, we can create a button to advertise your blog and/or business for the whole blogging world to see for an additional $10!  This is a great way to get your name out there.  Most buttons correspond to your blog banner.